
Sunday, October 19, 2014

Going on a Cruise!

Our first big vacation in a very long time!  Going on a 7 day cruise to the Eastern Caribbean in November. Ports of call are Grand Turk, The Bahamas, San Juan PR, and St. Thomas.  Now that it's less than a month away, I've gone into full on planning mode: making lists, looking at the cruise forums, checking and double checking! Want to get everything squared away so all I have to do is show up and relax,

So excited!

Sunday, December 9, 2012


This time its a bit different. Curt has been dieting with me, for the past 2 weeks. It really helps to have each other for support and encouragement. We've been walking almost 5 nights per week since he got out of the hospital. It feels good. :)

No walking today because the weather is cold and rainy, but we might play on the Wii later. Lost 2 pounds last week. Weigh in is tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Another Stressful Week

Last week was high stress, again. Just a lot of personal and financial stuff going on. It appears that the end is in sight, hopefully. Thank goodness I've had the long holiday weekend to recuperate. Have finally slept the past 2 nights, so that's helped, for sure.

Didn't track my food as closely as I should have, but didn't go crazy overboard any of the days. This plan just seems so much more manageable on a day to day  basis. So much easier to stick to. Onward.

This week's pound lost.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Not a great week

Stress......pretty much a week from hell. To be honest, by the end of the week, I stopped tracking my food. Been doing a lot of walking this week (due to lack of car), but didn't track that either. I was bad, but I guess I didn't totally go off the deep end.

Unfortunately, this week looks to be equally stressful. But I'm hoping I can re-focus and get back on track.

Weight loss this week...............................................1.5 pounds